Graphic & Interactive Design


Fractal Pattern

Nicole Tan YingLi

About Fractals

Nicole has a strong affinity for everything geometric, esoteric, and intricate, which is why fractal patterns can’t seem to leave her mind.  

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Fractal patterns, in their inherent nature, represent a captivating and coincidental aspect of the natural world. These intricate, self-repeating geometries can be observed in various phenomena, from the branching of trees and the intricate patterns of snowflakes to the formations of coastlines and the structure of galaxies. The remarkable quality lies in the fact that humans have discovered and unraveled the underlying mathematical principles behind these patterns, enabling us to recreate them using algebraic algorithms.

The utilization of fractals as a medium of artistic expression symbolizes our ongoing attempt to replicate the extraordinary beauty found in nature. Through the lens of technology and mathematical exploration, we endeavor to capture and recreate the mesmerizing complexities that exist in the natural realm. Fractals serve as a conduit for our creative pursuit, allowing us to emulate the visual allure and aesthetic harmony that nature effortlessly presents.

By employing algebra to generate abstract fractal patterns, we embark on an artistic endeavor that reflects both admiration for nature's grand design and a deep yearning to understand and recreate its intricate details. The process of algebraically constructing these patterns becomes a homage to the organic perfection found in the natural world. It is a testament to the ingenuity and resilience of humanity's quest to unlock and harness the secrets of nature's allure.

In this realm of infinite construction, we celebrate the delicate balance between the coincidental beauty of nature's creations and our relentless pursuit to recreate and appreciate them. Through the synergy of technology, mathematical principles, and artistic expression, we strive to capture the essence of nature's complexity and evoke a sense of wonder and awe in those who behold our fractal artworks.

In essence, our use of fractal patterns in this artistic portfolio represents a profound tribute to the synchronicity between the natural world and human endeavors. It is an ever-evolving exploration, a humble attempt to unravel and replicate the intricate tapestry of nature, one fractal iteration at a time.