Graphic & Interactive Design


Fractal Pattern

Nicole Tan YingLi

About Fractals

Nicole has a strong affinity for everything geometric, esoteric, and intricate, which is why fractal patterns can’t seem to leave her mind.  

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Fractal Patterns
More work... on Behance



In collaboration with Wintec School of Media Arts, New Zealand, Hear Us Out is a student project that invites the elderly within the community of three countries to give advice to the people of their city.

Hear Us Out is a project that invites students to venture beyond the barriers of industry constraints, exploring design as a platform for good. 

With a set format and a colour palette to work within, the outcomes are varied and diverse. The project has been displayed on public billboards in the Hamilton city centre, with the support of Phantom Billstickers and a selection of the posters has been exhibited at Wintec's Ramp Gallery and Toi Ohomai gallery, along with an accompanying book.

Participating institutions: Wintec and Toi Ohomai (Aotearoa New Zealand), Nanyang Technological University (Singapore), and the University of Missouri-St Louis (United States of America).